Weekly Dog Roundup: Top Dog Articles and Videos
After seeing that picture above, you’re probably thinking, “What’s going on in Michigan? Is it snowing already???” Luckily, we’re not there yet. Michigan is known for its erratic weather, but we’re not talking about snow just yet.
Lately, I’ve been using some of my leftover photos for these roundups. These are pictures that, for one reason or another, didn’t make it into their own posts. I’ve amassed thousands of these photos, so repurposing them here seemed like a good idea.
You know you’re a dog owner when your folder of dog photos exceeds 40 gigabytes. Thank goodness for digital cameras—I can’t even imagine how many rolls of film that would have been!
Alright, enough about photos. Let’s get to what you’re really here for—this week’s fantastic dog stories.
Top Dog Articles of the Week
When Dogs Are the Best Medicine
This essay beautifully describes how dogs enrich our lives and teach us important life lessons. They remind us to focus on the simple things we often overlook.
Here’s How Scientists Got Dogs to Lie Still in a Brain Scanner for Eight Minutes
A new study reveals that dogs process human speech similarly to us. Curious about how scientists managed to test this? This article explains how they got dogs to sit still in an MRI machine for eight minutes using only positive reinforcement.
The Biggest Lie Vets Tell Themselves
Have you ever wondered why pet owners don’t always follow veterinary advice? This thought-provoking post explores how to improve communication between vets and pet owners.
A Dog Has Given Birth to the First Identical Twin Puppies
Outside of humans and one species of armadillo, identical twins are almost unheard of. This article covers the science behind this rarity and details the first documented case of identical twin puppies.
Be Cautious Buying Drugs for Your Pet Online
Buying pet drugs online can be convenient, but not all online pharmacies are equal. This article provides FDA guidelines on what to check before purchasing pet medications online. Ensuring the quality of these products is crucial, as there have been instances of counterfeit, expired, or improperly stored veterinary products.
Top Dog Videos of the Week
– This video shows the true definition of a wiggle pup.
– Another touching rescue by Hope for Paws.
– A dog that can’t stop smiling since being rescued.
Enjoy these heartwarming stories and videos, and stay tuned for more next week!