Favorite Dog Articles of the Week
Updated on November 14, 2022, by Puppy Leaks
From exploring why street dogs might be the purest breed on Earth to a simple way you can help scientists study the special bond we have with our furry friends, here are my top dog articles of the week. I hope you find them just as interesting as I did!
Street Dogs: True Survivors | Nautilus
This article dives deep into natural selection, explaining why street dogs, strays, and mongrels are more than just abandoned pets. They’ve adapted remarkably well to their environments, making them a unique and resilient species.
Is Your Dog’s Halloween Costume Sexist? | The Washington Post
Honestly, I’d never thought about this until I read the article. It raises a good point: why do dog costumes get gender labels? Many profession-themed costumes like firefighters or police officers are typically for male dogs, while female dog costumes often involve tutus, French maid outfits, or pink cowgirl getups.
The Tough Choice of Euthanizing Aggressive Dogs | Dr. Andy Roark
This piece isn’t the happiest, but it’s a heartfelt look at severe dog aggression cases and why sometimes, there’s no easy solution.
Teaching Your Dog the “Place” Command | My Dog Likes
One of the best things I’ve taught my dog is to ‘go to your place.’ If you want to avoid tripping over your dog while cooking, teaching them to stay on a bed or mat is super handy. Also, check out the fantastic trick-or-treat giveaway with lots of great prizes still up for grabs for another eight days!
Why Montreal’s Pit Bull Ban Won’t Reduce Bites | Positively
This article examines Montreal’s recent Pit Bull ban, arguing that such breed-specific laws don’t effectively decrease the number of dog bites.
Understanding Our Bond with Dogs | Do You Believe in Dog?
Researchers have been trying to figure out why some dogs are given up to shelters while others stay with one family for life. You can help by taking a simple 10-20 minute survey if you’ve owned your dog for at least three years. It’s open to dog owners worldwide and helps scientists get better insights into dog placement success.
Recommended Reading:
– Weekly Roundup: Our Favorite Dog Articles, Deals, and Videos
– Roundup 101: Favorite Dog Articles & Videos of the Week
– Roundup 14 – The Best Dog Articles, Deals, & Videos of the Week
– Roundup – This Week’s Favorite Dog Articles, Deals, & Videos